Pawnbrokers Prosper as Greece Struggles With Hard Times

Comment by MySatelite:

This article, which as Greek citizens we can acknowledge as true, is an answer to all those who a) say ALL Greeks deserve to pay as they have been thriving off black money for years (so how come they’re selling their jewelry instead of tapping into their fat bank accounts?) and b) believe Papandreou’s policies and now Papademos’s (the governor of Greece’s central bank who was involved in cooking figures to put Greece in the Euro over a decade ago) are geared towards saving the nation.

As for the illicit gold trade the article mentions, it pales in comparison to what Greek politicians have stolen from the Greek people. No Greek will ever feel inclined to walk down the path of justice as long as justice is never served in a prejudicial system that pretends to look after the welfare of the country but does so only in name.

In Greece’s Sour Economy, Some Shops Are Thriving

ATHENS — With all the contraction in the Greek economy, with employees laid off en masse and one in four small businesses forced to close, it might seem odd that new shops are springing up like mushrooms in Athens and other cities. Συνέχεια