Media Dictatorship in Greece


Al Jazeera’s feature on the Greek media in the video that follows, underlines the truth many have known in Greece for several years now. The fact that graffiti on walls says «switch off the TV» goes to show that Greeks no longer view news bulletins and journalists as objective.

The picture above was snapped during last year’s demonstrations at the end of May in Thessaloniki. It was one of many messages taped on columns outside the city’s symbol of pain and freedom, the White Tower, which translates to: «If TV said it, it’s probably a lie.»

Though links between political parties and the media have been common knowledge to Greeks, far too Συνέχεια

Χάρτης εγκληματικότητας σε πραγματικό χρόνο

Δείτε σε διαδραστικό χάρτη από το την εγκληματικότητα στη χώρα, σε πραγματικό χρόνο.
