ΝΕΟ ΘΕΜΑ – αυτούς τους εγκληματίες Γερμανούς για ποιανού το χατίρι εδώ και καιρό δεν «αγγίζει» το ΣΔΟΕ κύριε Σαμαρά;


Obama seizes control over all food, farms, livestock, farm equipment, fertilizer and food production across America

Tuesday, March 20, 2012
by Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) «We told ya so» just doesn’t quite cut it anymore. As the American sheeple slept, selfishly refusing to take a stand against tyranny, the Obama administration has been plotting what can only be called a total government takeover of America.

On March 16, 2012, President Obama issued an executive order entitled, «NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS.» (http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/03/16/executive-order…)

This executive order states that the President alone has the authority to take over all resources in the nation (labor, food, industry, etc.) as long as it is done «to promote the national defense» — a phrase so vague that it could mean practically anything.

The power to seize control and take over these resources is delegated to the following government Συνέχεια

Forget about preventing default in Greece, control it, says Europe

By Michael Steininger, Christian Science Monitor | 08:54 am

Greece’s European partners are increasingly skeptical that Athens can avoid default.The highly indebted country is working feverishly to secure a debt write-off to avoid default, but international investors see even that as a default of sorts.

With only weeks to go before a crucial bond repayment date, statements from European leaders reveal a growing mistrust in the Greek political class’s ability and willingness to implement deficit cutting measures.Without those measures, Greece will not receive a necessary second bailout from international lenders, and without the bailout, it will likely Συνέχεια